87077 Stellan Flower Longbad
Satuan Rp. 125.000,-
Serian Rp. 115.000,-
Bahan Kaos Korea+Spandek
LD100 P89
LP94 P93
fit to L 4wrn
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85010 Stellan Leopart Love
Satuan Rp. 115.000,-
Serian Rp. 105.000,-
Bahan Kaos Korea+Spandek
LD100 P60
LP92 P96
fit to L 2wrn
Just Visit www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

83068 Dress Mahkota RenDa
Satuan Rp. 90.000,-
Serian Rp. 80.000,-
Bahan Kaos Crepe
LD94 P85
fit to L
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17010 Maxi Rasya
Satuan Rp. 110.000,-
Serian Rp. 100.000,-
Bahan Kaos Korea Katun Rayon LD90 P140
fit to L
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81106 Top Kemeja Aprilia
Satuan Rp. 70.000,-
Serian Rp. 60.000,-
Bahan Royal Saten Premium
LD100 P55
fit to L 2 warna
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81106 Top Kemeja Aprilia
Satuan Rp. 70.000,-
Serian Rp. 60.000,-
Bahan Royal Saten Premium
LD100 P55
fit to L
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81104 Top Vea. Rp. 70.000,-

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81104 Top Vea
Satuan Rp. 70.000,-
Serian Rp. 60.000,-
Royal Saten LD96 P65
Fit to L

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