35544 Dress Brukat Nayra
Satuan Rp. 95.000,-
Serian Rp. 85.000,-
Bahan Brukat lapis Furing
LD 84 P 84
1 warna
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

Kim099 - Mono set Dress
Rp. 85.000,-
seri 3 (1w)
fit L
spandek rayon + spandek monacco tebal HQ
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

35544 Dress Brukat Nayra
Satuan Rp. 95.000,-
Serian Rp. 85.000,-
Bahan Brukat lapis Furing
LD 84 P 84 2wrna
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

17171 Maxi Wynda
Satuan Rp. 125.000,-
Serian Rp. 115.000,-
Bahan Kaos Renda Babat Komb Kaos Korea LD 94 P 147
4 warna
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

Kim099 - Mono set Dress
Rp. 85.000,-
seri 3 (1w)
fit L
spandek rayon + spandek monacco tebal HQ
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

35544 Dress Brukat Nayra
Satuan Rp. 95.000,-
Serian Rp. 85.000,-
Bahan Brukat lapis Furing
LD 84 P 84 2wrna
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

17167 Maxi New Kerancang
Satuan Rp. 150.000,-
Serian Rp. 140.000,-
Bahan Jersey Super
LD102 P139
fit to L 4wrn
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share