Rp. 75.000,-
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

Hi CBF Shopper, 

Satukan tangan, satukan hati.
Itulah indahnya silaturahmi.
Di hari kemenangan kita padukan, keikhlasan untuk saling memaafkan.

Segenap karyawan & direksi caribajufashion mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1435 H.
Minal Aidzin Wal Fa'idin.
Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin.


www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

37536 B Couple One Family
Satuan Rp. 255.000,-
Serian Rp. 245.000,-
Bahan Spandek+Katun Kemeja
P73 LD106
Kemeja Anak
P51 LD78
Maxi P135 LD96
Maxi anak P93 LD70
(Anak 5-10 thn)
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

37536 B Couple One Family
Satuan Rp. 255.000,-
Serian Rp. 245.000,-
Bahan Spandek+Katun Kemeja
P73 LD106
Kemeja Anak
P51 LD78
Maxi P135 LD96
Maxi anak P93 LD70
(Anak 5-10 thn)
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

27018 Maxi Indah
Satuan Rp. 125.000,-
Serian Rp. 115.000,-
Bahan Bolero Twistcone+inner
Katun Rayon Outer
LD96 P53
Inner LD98 P135
1 seri 4 warna
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

14147 Celana Star
Satuan Rp. 95.000,-
Serian Rp. 85.000,-
Bahan Jeans Wash Motif Polka
LP84 P97
fit to L besar
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share

17172 Maxi Laviana
Satuan Rp. 175.000,-
Serian Rp. 165.000,-
Bahan Sifon Braso Lapis Furing Komb kaos Korea
LD92 P143
1 warna
www.caribajufashion.blogspot.com Bookmark and Share